Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sat., Oct.25

Today's Cryptic clues include acrostic, charade, homophone, etc.

Three from LAT:

The action of a top around a stage actor (8)

Father of five is short on love for dog trainer (6)

Encyclopedic knowledge at the Emerald City's country (4)

Two from ST:

Curve starts from sinuous integral numbers entwining (4)

Starting while seen and heard (6)

Solutions to these clues are in the grids below.


Seattle Times
(NYT 9/13/14)

Here are the solutions to yesterday's clues:

I leave | Mexican farewell | with | a lot of fuss (4)
[minus I] [ADIOS] [=] [ADOS]

Quebec agrees | to | amended | I.O.U. (3)
[{French language} OUI] [=] [anagram] [I O U]

From Orange County, | Alabama, | to | central Florida (5)
[O.C.] [ALA.] [=] [OCALA]

Pilot|'s | pamphlet (5)

Charming lies issue out | from first | Muse of history (4)
[Charming Lies Issue Out] [initials] = [CLIO]

If you are only reading the main entries on this blog, you're only reading part of it! The comments are often more interesting and informative than the main entries, so check them out even if you don't plan to add one yourself! Please post comments, guesses, questions, partial answers, rationales, alternative clues, or anything even marginally related.


  1. Here are a few for starters:

    LAT1: Prepared to be fashionable with quiet copy (2,5)

    LAT2: Drained but passed a consonantal switch (6)

    LAT3: Canute’s futile attempt was a different hint uttered (4,2,4)

    LAT4: They know about small things! (5)

  2. Owen

    I just saw your hint from earlier this week. I'd be happy to stand in from time to time. I will give you my e-address but let me know how to do that without broadcasting it to the world.


  3. Correction: LAT3: Canute’s futile attempt was a different hint uttered (4,3,4)


  4. LAT1: Prepared | to be fashionable with quiet copy (2,5)
    IN + SH + APE, nice charade.

    LAT2: Drained but passed a consonantal switch (6)
    Switching p and s. Good. Didn't even have to look through the puzzle for once.

    LAT3: Canute’s futile attempt was a different hint uttered (4,3,4)
    Excellent red herring with that anagram!

    LAT4: They know about small things! (5)
    An &Lit! You had to be a wonk to do that!

    Re the eddress, my profile has a link you can e-mail me at. Just click on my name at the head of this comment.
