Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thur., Nov.6

Today's Cryptic clues include
Solutions to these clues are in the grids below.


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Seattle Times
(NYT //14)

Here are the solutions to yesterday's clues:

Guy | with | a lip stick (4)
[CHAP] [=] [CHAP{stick}]

Sounds like he | borrowed a lot | for | a Greek vase | and stuff (3)
[homophone] [OWED] [=] [ODE {to a Grecian Urn}] [for example]

It may give light | to a | leaking | chamber (3,4)
[WET CELL {battery}] [=] [WET] [CELL {in a prison or monastary}]

West's | turn from | a rocky vein (4)
[MAE {west}'S] [reverse] [=] [SEAM]

Germ begs scad | of compositors | (about | fifty) | for | puréed caviar (9,4)
[GERM BEGS SCAD] [anagram] [containing] [L {roman numeral}] [=] [SCRAMBLED EGGS]

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  1. Owen

    First, I just sent you an email.

    Second, with regards my recent clues/comments that were too obscure/obtuse,

    ST3: Bubbles and rises around the beginning of the aughts (6)
    Your comments:I thought I saw SURGED+A and wondered how you got rid of the U, then noticed it would need an anagram indicator, not just reversal. Looked at EN'OLS, T'R'OR, S'IPES & T'OGEH but drew a blank on them, too, so this one is a miss for me.

    My response. I rather cheekily copied your phrasing “beginning of the aughts” for a different purpose. In this case I was referring to what many people have suggested as a name for the first decade of this century - the AUGHTS; the Brits have naturally coined it “the naughties (or noughties). So the beginning of the aughts is MM (yes I know that some have disputed this and claimed that MMI was the true beginning of the century and millennium). Then it is just “rises” anagrammed around MM => SIMMERS = bubbles. I put “around” into dual service as “surrounding” AND a rearrangement indicator – I thought that was good enough.

    Your comment [I did not get] your allusions about (1) "Bonny’s mate" & (2) "I thought she was in the Old Testament!".

    My response. (1). This was in reference to IVORY

    Fooled by punctuation, perhaps? What I wrote was “……, Eh? Bonny’s mate.” I did not give a “[roughly] sounds like” indicator, but you get it now: “Ebony’s mate” = Ivory.

    (2) This was in reference to EVENT”. "I thought she was in the Old Testament!". Just a simple reparse: EVE-New Testament = EVE-NT.

    Now back to today.


  2. Yikes! my ST3 (SIMMERS) should have been 7 letters. Very 'umble apologies.

  3. Here's 2 for today from Seattle Times:

    ST1: Ruler somewhere in the Middlle East (sounds like a ruler!) and acts like a ruler (6)

    ST2: “Murder, she wrote” lacks the masculine touch but still dominates (6)
