Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tues., Nov.4

Today's Cryptic clues include anagram, charade, dissection, reversal, etc. One of the clued words strangely appears more than once in the puzzles.

Three from LAT:

Nearly heartless victory confused key Whites (5)

It happened to be level and square (5)

Shy to cut the light under it back (5)

Two from ST:

Standard at the start of the aughts (4)

Utah burg that wrote a good verse (5)

Solutions to these clues are in the grids below.


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Seattle Times
(NYT 9/23/14)

Here are the solutions to yesterday's clues:

Spent | 300 | pence | in | Eastern Europe (4)
[filler] [CCC] [P.] [=] [CCCP {USSR in Russian Cyrillic}]

Luna | was crushed | in his arms (4)
[LUNA] [anagram] = [ULNA {arm bone}]

Sounds like he was | angry | at | an instrument (4)
[homophone] [WROTH] [=] [ROTH {financial instrument}]

Bandits | are | up | to | xkcd characters (5-2,3)
[STICK-UP MEN] [=] [UP] [contained in] [STICK-MEN]
Xkcd is one of the most popular webcomics on the internet. If you haven't seen it before, mouse over the cartoon for an extra caption. And yes, just "to" is incredibly weak for indicating a container.

Nickle | cabbage cut up | retroactively | for | some siblings (2-4)
[NI {chemical symbol}] [{cole}SLAW] [each reversed] [=] [IN-LAWS]

If you are only reading the main entries on this blog, you're only reading part of it! The comments are often more interesting and informative than the main entries, so check them out even if you don't plan to add one yourself! Please post comments, guesses, questions, partial answers, rationales, alternative clues, or anything even marginally related.


  1. Owen

    Sorry I've been out of action lately - consumed by my day job. I got all except ST1

    Nearly heartless victory confused key Whites (5)

    Off-center subtraction, eh? Bonny’s mate.

    It happened to be level and square (5)

    And so it came to pass. And I thought she was in the Old Testament!

    Shy to cut the light under it back (5)

    Reversal, eh? Barely needs the “under it” bit.

    Standard at the start of the aughts (4)

    I drew a complete blank here.

    Utah burg that wrote a good verse (5)

    Another geography lesson. More than I need to know about Utah.

  2. Just 2 from me.

    ST3: Bubbles and rises around the beginning of the aughts (6)

    ST4: Early spirit of the East returns to provide German war machine (6).

  3. ST3: Bubbles and rises around the beginning of the aughts (6)
    I thought I saw SURGED+A and wondered how you got rid of the U, then noticed it would need an anagram indicator, not just reversal. Looked at EN'OLS, T'R'OR, S'IPES & T'OGEH but drew a blank on them, too, so this one is a miss for me.

    ST4: Early spirit of the East returns to provide German war machine (6).
    AM+GIN+E! Nice misdirection with direct, too.

  4. I don't get your allusions about "Bonny’s mate" & "I thought she was in the Old Testament!", thought the rest checks out.
