Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday, Aug.11 LAT & sNYT

Here are the solutions to yesterday's clues:

Intertwining | with | briefly stated complaint | had  | nothing leading | nowhere (5)
[PLAIT] [=] [PLAINT] [+] [N{othing}] [subtracted]

Riot act | thrown | at | Italian cheese (7)
[RIOT ACT] [anagram] [=] [RICOTTA]

Thomas Hart was either senator or artist, | it was | determined (4,2)
Double definition, but this is a rare case where the numeration shows which is the wordplay or direct. There have been two famous Thomas Hart Bentons.

Lab animal|'s | ins and outs | were | compared mathematically (5)
[RAT] [+] [I/O] [=] [RATIO] 

Running noose | incorporated in design of | cafeteria tables (5)
[RIATA] = [hidden] [cafeteRIA TAbles]

Seattle Times
6/30/14 sNYT

Today's techniques include anagram, double definition, hidden, and reversal.
We'll start with two from today's LAT:

Eager to get start at going back to Jamaican music scene (6)

Suspended for getting robbed (4,2)

And here's three from the Seattle Times:

There's a mix-up with Ella's flight (2,2)

In secret, label fryer as top layer of Christchurch (6)

Prominent politician has ways to handle hot potatoes (5)


  1. Owen

    You did not comment on the clues I posted yesterday.

    A pretty straightforward collection of yours today - Monday level!

    LAT1. The answer is shouting out from the grid. Maybe should have been "start of going", although of course that does not read well. Maybe "Eager to get a thousand back at Jamaican music scene".

    LAT2. Nice Monday level double

    sNYT1: Nice anag. 2,2 rather gives it away though.

    sNYT2: Nice hidden clue with misdirections - layer and fryer (chickens), and Christchurch as a single word place-name.

    sNYT3: Straightforward grid-grab. I'm not sure about "prominent", since he currently has has no job. Also, Perhaps a pointer to "familiarly" would have been useful. And your shortening of has is not indicated. Unless you meant "way" as a direction - that would fit. Just minor critiques.


  2. NC: Been off doing other things, so just saw your clues from yesterday. Finally figured out they were all for the same word, but only one of them that I could get completely, and that only by working backwards from knowing the answer. Supporters of Roman weights was a nice direct though.

  3. Here is the full set:

    1. Freedom for sun gods in the seventh heaven (6)
    Freedom=LIB; sun gods = RAS = LIB-RAS (7th sign of the zodiac).

    2. Scales the distance from China to Britain and American Samoa (6).

    Scales = LI-BR-AS. DIstance from China = Li (a Chinese measure of distance, just under .5 miles) to BR (Britain) and AS (American Samoa)

    3. Constellations discovered by free radioactive orbital telescope (6)

    Constellations = LIB-RA-S; free = LIB(erated); radioactive = RA(dium) or RA(dioactive) S=s-orbital (from chemistry: s, p, d, f). Telescope=shorten.

    4. Return of the southern trader begins with short metal signs (6)

    S(southern) ARB (trader=ARBITRAGEUR - legit). Return = BRA-S.
    Begins with metal (LI=Lithium). Signs (of the zodiac) = LI-BRA-S

    5. A Senate majority for supporters of Roman weights (6)

    A senate majority = 51 = LI in Roman. Supporters = BRAS
    Roman weights = LI-BRAS (about 12 ounces)

