Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday, Aug.12 LAT & sNYT

Here are the solutions to yesterday's clues:

Eager | to get | start at going | back | to | Jamaican music scene (6)
[EAGER] [insert] [G{oing}] [reverse] [=] [REGGAE]

Suspended for getting robbed (4,2)

There's a mix-up with | Ella|'s | flight (2,2)
[anagram] [ELLA] [=] [EL AL]
The " 's" means possess in the surface sentence, but "is" in the wordplay.

In secret, | label fryer | as | top layer of Christchurch (6)
[hidden] [laBEL FRYer] [=] [BELFRY]

Prominent politician | has | ways to handle hot potatoes (5)
[MITT {Romney}] ['S] = [{oven} MITTS]
The "has" in the surface sentence is reduced to " 's" in the wordplay.


Seattle Times
7/1/14 sNYT

Today's clues include some of nearly everything -- charade, double definition, hidden, homophone, reversal, subtraction.
Two from LAT:

American eagle led leaderless herd and hash made from baloney (10)

Tear might bring a tear (3)

Three from Seattle Times:

Packages of Altoids® are good for snit upset (4)

I'll hear, even in the middle of the sea (4)

Wasting margins, Martha's typing was rapid (5)


  1. Excellent. Perhaps sNYT2 should begin "I'll be heard,…"

    For a change, I will clue the same clues as you, but not give the answer away immediately with word length or origin.

    Kind of steel with bidirectional elements
    Nonsensical sound of a Colorado race
    Sweet but endless copy
    Small size of animal shelter is ill-considered
    Napoleon's fate is the French finale


  2. NC: I really ought to stop trying to even bother with yours. I intended this blog as an intro for beginners, and you're throwing in stuff that would give experienced solvers headaches. I got Balderdash, even though the pronunciation is off from anything I would have guessed without your hint. Also got ISLE, which I might have gotten even without your hint. HASTY I partly see, though not all of it. The other two are complete mysteries.
